March 2024 Newsletter

Anne Whelan - Vice Chair

Welcome to our March 2024 newsletter. 

We are so excited for all of the upcoming events that Ros and her team are currently working on.  We are especially looking forward to this year which includes our annual picnic, (with food being provided by the GTA Lamplighters and the cooking being done by the  Enbridge grill team).  We are also excited about our Blue Jay game, our first annual golf tournament, the magic show ,the Boat cruise and the many other events being prepared.  Please see Ros’ note below for details on all the events.  It looks like a pretty fun filled year.  This is a great opportunity to get out and socialize.  A wonderful time for you to catch up with your former coworkers while doing something fun.  Don’t forget that partners/spouses/guests are welcome and encouraged to come out. 

Do you know that Enbridge sponsors our club with an annual donation?   This amount depends on the number of members in the club each year.  

Enbridge's annual donation allows us to have our software management system which in turn allows us to manage our club.  It enables us to offer online registration and payments for events and membership, have a website and our electronic newsletters. More significantly, their contribution allows us to provide a wide range of discounts to our members for events.

Where else could you spend $15 a year on a membership fee but receive over $100 in discounts to a wide range of events?  And that's over $200 in discounts if you bring a friend or spouse.

They also donate $1,000 yearly through an initiative called Fueling Futures to the charity of our choice when we volunteer at that charity.  Last year we divided the donation into two local food banks that received $500 each.  This year we are currently looking at volunteering at another charity.  Please let us know if you are interested in volunteering for a day/half day.  What a great way to help our communities while sharing this time with fellow retired coworkers. 

We are very fortunate that Enbridge is still caring about its employees after retirement.  Thanks to a great company that is employee and community focused.

Please continue to encourage your fellow retirees who have not yet joined to sign up.  Please check the website and keep in touch with each other and us. 

Have a wonderful spring! 

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Other technical help is now available by clicking the Need Help link on the Home Page on our website.

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  • Log in/Forgot Password/Never Logged In
  • Registering and Paying For An Event
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Safety Reminder

Winter Safety Tips for Seniors

Older adults have slower metabolisms and produce less body heat than younger adults. This can be dangerous for us when winter arrives. Seniors are at greater risk for hypothermia.

Stay indoors when it is extremely cold and windy.

If you must go outside, stay out only as long as required.

Protect against the winter chill by layering clothing to help balance staying warm and avoid overheating. Always have a hat, scarf, and gloves on hand help to retain heat and avoid frostbite on very cold days.


We are looking forward to another busy year of social activities and bringing our retirees together.

March - On March 3rd, 2024, our first event is the Flato Theatre performance. This theatre is located at 171 Town Centre, Markham and will feature the performance of Darcy Oake, an illusionist. We look forward to seeing everyone.

May - May 15th, we will have a Meet and Greet at Wishing Well Park at 1700 Pharmacy Ave. Just bring your lunch and chairs for a good old catch up.

May 26th, we have arranged a Toronto Harbour Brunch/Cruise on the Luxury Yacht the Odyssey. GTALL is helping cover a portion of each ticket. Enjoy a three-hour adventure, including a brunch and cruise around the Toronto Harbour including the Islands. Registration is available until March 6th. To register and for more details:

Go To Event

June - June 19th is our third annual GTA Lamplighter Picnic at Morningside Park. The park is located at 370 Morningside Ave. Community Events will cook our lunch while we enjoy each other’s company with a few games thrown in for good measure. There will be registration for this event, and you can choose your burger of choice. Registration details to follow.

July - July 17th. We are working on organizing a play at the theatre performance at King’s Wharf Theatre.  The play will be Steel Magnolias. Details and registration to follow.

August - August 7th is the Oro-Medonte BBQ, John and Ros Craig will be your hosts for the day, everyone is welcome. More details to follow with registration.

August 25th, we have booked to see the Blue Jays, more details to follow allow with registration.

September - September 13th, GTA Lamplighters are hosting our first Golf Tournament in Oshawa. Hawthorne Valley was selected, it is a nine-hole course, lunch will be provided by the GTA Lamplighters. More details and registration to follow.

October - We will have another Meet and Greet in Heydenshore Park, date to be determined. We are also looking for another activity for the month of October, more details to follow.

November - We will host our Swiss Chalet Lunches. More details and registration will be provided.

The dates are as follows:

  • November 13 – Whitby
  • November 20 – Near VPC
  • November 27 – Barrie

More details and registration to follow.

You can see that we have lots planned and provide opportunities for our retirees to connect. We would love to hear from you on opportunities to get together or idea for events. I can be reached at or you can reach out to

Healthy Aging

The 6-Day Energy Challenge- NYTimes Jan 2024- Tips for an invigorated 2024

Day 1: A 5-minute trick for more energy

Take short naps

Day 2: Move to refresh your mind

A few stretches will energize you

Day 3: How to eat for better energy

Add protein to your breakfast, take note of how certain foods make you feel

Day 4: Identify your energy vampires and chaotic friends.

Eliminate or drastically reduce the amount of time you spend with negative contacts, people who complain and drain you of energy

Day 5: Lose yourself in a task

Engage yourself in a craft or activity.

Day 6: How to stay energized all year

Follow these steps on a regular basis

Lighter Side of Life

Why do retirees not mind being call seniors? Because the term comes with a 10% discount

Blast from the Past

Betty Bright Recipe. Here is a 1952 Recipe from the Betty Bright Kitchen

Pizza Pie

  • 3/4 pound of sausage meat
  • ½ chopped onion
  • 1/3 cup chopped green pepper
  • 1/3 cup of tomato paste
  • 1 can 10 oz of cream of tomato soup
  • ¼ tsp pepper 
  • ¼ tsp garlic salt
  • 1 cup of grated parmesan cheese
  • ½ tsp basil
  • ½ tsp thyme
  • ½ tsp oregano
  • ¼ tsp chili powder
  • 2 cups of biscuit mix
  • 4 tbsp shortening
  • 1/3 to ½ cup of milk

Brown first four ingredients together over a low gas flame, Drain off excess fat. Add tomato paste and soup, stir well. Add seasonings, simmer gently for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the shortening into the biscuit mix; add mild and blend with a fork. Turn out on a floured board and knead 8 to 10 times. Roll out to a circle about 1/8 “thick. Place on a greased cookie sheet and spread with the fillings. Crimp the edges of the pastry and sprinkle the grated cheese on top. Bake at 450 degrees in a gas oven for 15 mins.

Think how differently, we make pizza today.

    Member Updates

    For each newsletter, we reach out to members for their stories of what they have been up to.  Whether its travel, spending time with the grand kids, volunteer work or what ever, we provide their short summaries. Its a great way to hear about colleagues we haven't seen for awhile.

    Mae Blanche Cleaver

    I am writing this update on behalf of Mae with her permission. In the 70s when I worked in Customer Enquiry, Mae was a force to be reckoned with. Mae is a petite lady who worked in Customer Contact, where customers came in person to address their billing concerns with Consumers Gas.

    Long before there was the keto diet, Mae stopped using white flour or sugar, she was extremely active and her vacations were hiking vacations in Germany, Switzerland, France UK, and many other locations. Mae is now in her nineties (please forgive me Mae for giving your age away), lives on her own, shops and cooks for herself and has more of a social life than many younger than her. I got reacquainted with her through GTALL. I am totally amazed at her energy, memory, zest for life and her positive attitude. May we all experience a life as fulfilling as Mae has experienced.

    Mae submitted one of her memories for the 175th Enbridge Celebration, with her story so we can all enjoy it.

    My Memories of The Consumers Gas Company (Mae Cleaver, retired since 1992)

    I began my employment on the morning of February 4th, 1944. I was seventeen years old. I worked at 19 Toronto St. I was advised then that females who had babies would have to quit their employment.

    Each morning, I would walk past the horse stables of The Toronto Police Mounted Unit. We would punch in for the day using a Time Clock. In 1954, when Okah Jones became the manager, the time clock was removed.

    My first position was a Mail Messenger this enabled me to become familiar with the various departments within the building. My next position was a Clearing Clerk in the Application Department. Four clerks each worked at a large u-shaped table. This table held files for each customer. I trained in the evenings to learn accounting and the Comptometer Machine. I transferred to the Payroll Department.

    In 1955, the Company changed to natural gas and meters at each customer’s home had to be changed at the exact same time. many U.S. employees were assisting our Company with the change over. Payroll worked many overtime hours during this period, sometimes until midnight.

    At the end of the conversion project, all the workers received a plaque for appreciation. In addition, the males received a silver cigarette lighter, and the females received a silver cake lifter.

    As a Customer Contact Clerk I would meet customers in person and resolve their concerns regarding their gas accounts. I have wonderful memories of working at Consumers Gas Company and the lovely people who were my colleagues.


    Carol Adams

    I am still traveling as much as I can, my brother-in-law lives in Honolulu, and they invited us down while they were away to babysit their cat Nice eh. Gerry Rieck and I went to Hawaii in October for almost 3 weeks had and amazing holiday touring the island and eating some amazing food. 

    Anne and Liam Whelan were on a Hawaiian island cruise, and it worked out we could meet up. 

    We picked them up from cruise terminal toured Waikiki beach and then brought them to our place for home cooked meal. 

    My brother and his wife recently moved to Cochrane Alberta suburb of Calgary so John and I went for an early Christmas in December It was lovely to spend time with all their family who also live out west We toured Lake Louise with a fabulous lunch at Fairmount Lake Louise and another day  took gondola to top of sulphur mountain, where we had lunch, and then top that off with a hot springs and finished off with tour of Banff 

     Our next trip, Gerry Rieck and I are heading to Mexico for couple months The Whelan’s and Vanderzwet’s are coming for a visit. So still living retirement to the fullest with family and great friends 


    Heather & John Chitussi

    Wow! Where to begin. So, after I retired in 2017, John (retired 2012) and I moved to Niagara Region, Welland specifically, to be closer to our son Adam (Enbridge, Thorold office) and his family. We have three delightful grandkids with whom we spend as much time as possible. We make regular trips back to Toronto to spend time with John's family and try to touch base with friends.

     We have been blessed with good health and have been doing some traveling. We've been to Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. We've also tossed in a couple of Caribbean cruises and one Mediterranean cruise. We annually visit friends in Fort Lauderdale for a couple of weeks, where we are currently. Once home, we'll be preparing for a river cruise in April to Vietnam, with land stays in Thailand & Cambodia. Then, who knows? The biggest mistake we make in life is believing we have time, so we are living ours to the fullest...before we hit our expiration date. Cheers!

    Manny Sousa

    I have been retired from Enbridge since January 2015. Since then, it's been quite the roller coaster ride as I went into business on my own as a government relations consultant and then I sub-contracted myself to a firm to get me started.

    However, I enjoyed my time with them so much that I stayed with them until I fully retired two years ago. Since then, a lot has changed such as being a grandfather and a community volunteer in Scarborough. 

    I babysit my grandson on Mondays and as most of you know, it's such a joy being a grandparent. I also try to get out and golf in the summer at least twice a week with a fun group of people who are all older than me but are better golfers. I also volunteer my time with two organizations in Scarborough. I sit on the board of directors at ACSA, a multi-service agency that operates the largest food bank in Toronto serving over 3,000 people a week. They also run programs for the homeless, newcomers, seniors, and children. So, if anyone lives in Scarborough and would love to volunteer for a worthy cause, give me a call and I can hook you up. This year they are celebrating 50 years in operation and we're planning a big celebration. 

    I also volunteer with the Scarborough Community Renewal Organization (SCRO) and sit on their economic development committee where we advocate for better transit in Scarborough, the retention of employment lands, federal boundaries, official plan amendments etc. Yes, I'm still dealing with politicians but only in Toronto, so no more flying to Thunder Bay or Saskatoon or wherever the client needed me. Here is a quick story for you, I recently had a meeting with the Minister of Transportation for Ontario, and I showed up in jeans and a hoodie. It felt great being retired and a volunteer. Now what am I going to do with the twelve suits I own? halacha.

    And finally, we occasionally go on fabulous holidays such as this past summer we went to Croatia, Slovenia, and Amsterdam. Still not sure where we are going this summer as my wife still works in the school system and can only take the summer off. Perhaps a cruise. We've never been on a cruise before so it would be a new experience for us. 

    As you can see, I've been pretty busy but a good busy doing stuff I want to do. 

    Anyhow, I'm happy to be a part of the GTA Lamplighters group seeing old friends again.

    Anne Whelan

    I have been retired for 10 years already. I can’t believe where the time has gone. In the last 10 years Liam and I have been very busy. We sold our house in Alliston and moved to Peterborough last June.

    Our winter months have been spent in Arizona. We are just outside of Phoenix. We have had lots of visitors over the years so the time away flies by. We have also done several cruises and a road trip through Europe with Carol, Gerry, and Lynn.

    This summer we went to Fiji for 12 days. It was beautiful. We just finished a 15-day Hawaiian cruise in November. In December we flew to New Zealand to spend Christmas with our youngest daughter who lives in New Zealand with her family.

    We went back to Arizona in February and next we are off to Mexico. We do love traveling. I keep saying we have to do as much as we can while we are able, and we are!

    In Memoriam

    Hugh Erwin 1943- 2024

    Edward Hugh Erwin, known affectionately as Hughie, passed away peacefully surrounded by loved ones on January 8, 2024, at the age of eighty, in Stouffville, Ontario. Born on January 30, 1943, in Toronto, Hugh was a handy individual, always approaching challenges with a methodical and values-driven mindset. He was a patient problem solver who could fix just about anything, and his quick wit brought laughter to those around him. Hugh's creativity and thoughtfulness was evident in everything he did.

    Hugh dedicated four decades of his life to Consumers Gas/Enbridge, where he made significant contributions in his field. Colleagues and friends highly regarded his expertise and commitment alike. After retiring, Hugh embarked on a new chapter, fulfilling his lifelong dream of building the cottage (aka dockside) and exploring the world through cruising. These activities brought him joy and allowed him to create lasting memories with his loved ones.

    Ken J. Murray 1946-2024

    Ken passed away peacefully at Scarborough General Hospital on January 19th with his loving family at his side. Ken was a long time Consumers Gas/Enbridge employee, he oversaw the Leak Survey Department.

    Ken volunteered with the 6th Toronto Scouts for 50 years.

    Joanne Helen Cleator 1951 to 2024

    Joanne Helen Cleator passed away peacefully at Oak Ridges Hospice in Port Perry on January 30th, 2024, at the age of 73.  Joanne was born in Toronto on December 6th, 1950, to the late Alton and Minnie Prowse. 

    She was a loving mother to Dawn, Jay (Kim), Matthew (Jen), and was an extremely loving grandmother to Stephanie, Justin, Mackenzie, Evan, Jaime and her granddog, Coco. She was a cherished sister to Wayne (Joan), Bonnie (Jack), Sandra, Jim (Anne).

    Joanne will be deeply missed by all her extended family and friends and will remain forever in our hearts. Joanne was along term employee in Human Resources. Joanne was a GTA LL member and attended some of our events.

    Albert (Bert) Saumur 1943 to 2024

    Bert was the loving husband of Carolyn. Proud father to Kimberly (John), Darren (Kelly), and Bernadette (Neal. Adoring Pere to Ashlyn, Jackson, Aaron, Spencer, and Reece.

    Bert was a long-time employee of Consumers Gas, now, Enbridge. He dedicated himself to a long career, forging enduring friendships along the way.

    Mart Pedel

    Mart Pedel - Union Gas Member February 2024

    Mart worked for Northern and Central gas from the early 1950s. He was one of the first employees at Northern and Central Gas. Mart worked in Finance. One of his duties was to convert surplus cash into short term loans which earned the Company interest. Mart would then cash the investments in as the Company required. Mart was a long-term office employee until his retirement.


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